Saturday, November 15, 2008

Uh oh


In a statement that would provoke hilarity and innuendo among many of my friends...I appear to have bruises on both my knees. It is entirely possible that I just walked into things and didn't notice...right? I cannot think of any other possible reason besides forgotten clumsiness. Honestly, I do that type of thing all the time. AM CLUMSY, I mean.

Girl to friend, discussing a boy: So how nerdy is he? I mean, there's a nice nerdy, a cute nerdy...
Friend: You know that Jewish nerdy?

Quantum of Solace = pretty good. Honestly, it was mostly mindless action, which was apparently exactly what I wanted. Contrary to most reviews I thought Bond actually showed some depth of character. The main female and the random British chick were both gorgeous, the British girl especially, but not really gorgeous in that way that makes you hate them. More the way that makes you want to be them or sleep with them or both, depending on your personal inclinations.

Current song in my head: Old school Shakira, "Pienso en ti." The simple line "Cada día pienso en tí, pienso un poco mas en tí." keeps running through my brain.

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