Monday, November 10, 2008

Oh cologne...

I have a sample card with Armani Mania for men spritzed on it in my desk drawer. Now it smells like there is a man living in my desk. A sexy-smelling man.

Why do I have a cologne sample in my desk drawer? Well, I happen to be unhealthily obsessed with Armani Mania. The version for men, specifically, although I wear the women's version and it's quite nice. I love Armani fragrances, and I think Armani Mania is quite possibly the sexiest scent a man can wear. So, sometimes, if I'm shopping and go past a display in a department store, I spritz some on a card and stick it in my pocket. If that sounds creepy um...I don't have a good excuse, except that I have a very sensitive sense of smell, and I really enjoy good smells. It's like sticking a postcard of someplace beautiful on my cork board. Well, in this case it's probably more like sticking a picture of a hot actor on my cork board, but what I mean is, it's an appreciation of something that pleases the senses. So what if normal people use an air freshener or candles.

I had the card on my desk for a day before I could figure out why on earth my computer smelled like a man, and found the card under some books. I guess I had tossed it there and forgotten. Oops!

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