Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful for my family

I think a lot of people list family up there in the list of things they're thankful for this time of year (though how many really mean it?). This morning reminded me of just exactly how thankful I am, which is very.

I hauled my lazy ass out of bed sometime after 10am, and found my parents in the living room, watching the parade and as far as I can tell, bickering. They're champion bickerers, and are only really annoyed with each other maybe half the time. I mentioned that I had looked through the envelope of pictures and articles and stuff about my dad from my grandparent's house. It was full of his old report cards and prom pictures and wedding pictures and newspaper clippings. They brought it out and my sister came out and we spent some time making fun of my dad for his bad grades and horrible hair in high school, and oohing over how gorgeous my mom was in the pictures. Then they bickered a little more before my dad decided we needed to walk out on the deck to show me the woodpile and tell about the tree-cutting fiasco (which reminded me so much of something my boyfriend would have wanted to tell me if he had done it that it was scary). My mom locked us on the deck, but let us back in once he appeared repentant enough for picking on her. Overall, it was a pleasantly goofy, comfortably, good morning with my family, and I loved it. I really think people learn something about how to have relationships from their families, and I am very thankful I have such a good, though odd, family to serve as my model.

Also, yesterday I shopped for seven hours with my sister and it was lovely. I love that girl more than anyone else in the world, I think.

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