Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who are you and what have you done with my normal life?

Reader, I had two dates today. Now, I am sure that there are women for whom that is not completely weird. I, however, have gone many months without a date at all, so this is incredibly odd. However, internet dating does kind of promote more dates than I would usually have - If I'm communicating with someone there is never that concern about whether a date could happen - it's the point.

So, date 1: Unfortunately-Named-Man (UNM): Late, late, very late. He was driving from a distance though, so I decided to be forgiving. The whole day didn't look like it would go well though. I got rained on waiting for the bus, which I was taking because I will not immediately ride in a car with someone I found online and have never met before. GOOD RULE. Stand by it, online-dating ladies. So, rained on, bus, then he called and said he was going to be very late. Then I got to the restaurant and found out it was closed till 5pm. (We had a lunch date.) It was a very interesting restaurant and I was bummed... and hungry. At that point I thought about giving up and going home.

He eventually showed up, and ... was very attractive. Sometimes pictures are seriously hit-or-miss, but this one was a hit. So that's a plus. I gave up and let him drive me to a different restaurant, since there was nothing close. He neither kidnapped nor murdered me. We had a pretty good lunch and made some good conversation, mostly small talk, but nice. After we ended up going to the Museum of Science and Technology, which, unlike COSI or Cleveland's science center, sucks. It was also filled with hoards of screaming children and didn't have anywhere near enough fun interactive things. I'm like a kid, I love the interactive exhibits. We meandered around and it was ok, but not spectacular. I suggested he drive me home so I didn't have to take the bus, and since I am directionally impaired we put my addy into his GPS to ensure efficiency...and got lost. It used the wrong address and we had to redo. Embarrassing!

I did eventually got home and we had one of those awkward first date goodbyes, but that's ok. The verdict's still out on this one. Hot, Christian, nice... very slightly boring.

Date 2: Last week I met a guy in one of my classes and pretty quickly developed a crush. I don't crush that easily, being incredibly picky, and this one didn't make that much sense - he's conservative, for one thing. But I had a great time talking to him at a party, and kinda facebook attacked him after. I was just sitting here doing homework when he called tonight and asked if I wanted to come out with him and some friends. Um, yes. My crush just called me? Hellz yes I want to go out! It's like I was in high school. I even did a happy dance, which is not something I ever want him to know.

He picked me up and we played darts with his friends for a while. I fail at darts. The we went to a different place and had drinks, and his friends left but we kept talking, which I think moved it a little more clearly into the "date" area. Then we got pizza, which I appreciated because really, I am always hungry. I am not that woman who doesn't eat. Also, the pizza was great.

This guy is less attractive than UNM, but is really more interesting, and seems cool with a woman who will bite back in the face of smart-assedness. A friend has already made up an acronym for him: AA (yes, I know, it's taken, but this is different.) AA is pretty damn nerdy, but I kinda like that. In general, I like him, and I'm pleased that this date developed organically, without having to work at it so much. I think we will be hanging out again.

So, in conclusion: I got no homework done today AT ALL. It was probably worth it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Featuring: the crazy-person email

If this whole blogging business works out, I anticipate this to be a regular feature: the emails I get on the dating website from crazy people. To be fair, they aren't all crazy. Some of them just approach things differently than I do, or hold the principles of spelling and grammar in less high regard. Like this one:

How are u? I find your profile to be thoughtful and pretty deep, but thats not a bad thing. Anyways saw that u were looking at mine, so took a look at yours. I like to talk about things and see them in different point of views. Pardon my spelling if its bad. I'm a math whiz and maybe the worst speller ever. Now were was I. I saw that u studied religion. I don't hate religion but I have problems with all of them. Now there good for some people, some people have major problems then become born again & become great people. My biggest rift with it is it divieds people, causes pain, starts wars, could go on & on. I respect it but just don'r wish to particepet. Does this make me a bad person maybe but i'm ok with that. Your probally exasted from reading this so ill leave it at that. I would love to here your response since your on the oppiset spectrum.

It's really unfortunate, my grammar obsession. It makes me, shall I say... a bitch? about some things. Like, for instance, the use of "u" for "you" in anything but text messages with character limits. Also, particepet? oppiset? exasted? That one I didn't even recognize at first. Oh I am an awful judging person. Yes, I will never find a man because I insist that he know the difference between "your" and "you're." I am willing to settle down in a life of spinsterhood and good grammar. I have a cat. He doesn't send me misspelled emails. At least he didn't propose marriage to me. Yes, that has happened before. I mean, a guy in an email, not my cat.

On that note, goodnight! Stay tuned for more dating capers and incredible emails!

Steppin' out

Welcome to my blog!
I'm sure this has been done before, but what is blogging if not thinking you can do it again...better?
I'm going to blog about dating. Uh huh, see that one. Online dating. Yeah, that too. But bear with me. It sometimes gets interesting.

I've done this whole online dating before, with pretty much no success. (If I had succeeded, would I be doing it again?) Online dating is a little hit or miss. For me it's a little like a drunken golfer trying to hit a hole-in-one in a hurricane. Which is to say, there are more misses than hits. But hey, always the optimist: at least I get interesting stories out of it! I know there are mixed opinions about the value, safety, and loser-ishness of online dating, and maybe sometime I'll post my justification. In the meantime, I'm doing it. And since I'm not a big fan of feeling embarrassed of the things I'm doing or trying to hide them, I might as well share the hilarity with others. Or the embarrassment. Either way, stay tuned for the good, the bad, and the "only to be shared with my gay best friend and the internet."