Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Steppin' out

Welcome to my blog!
I'm sure this has been done before, but what is blogging if not thinking you can do it again...better?
I'm going to blog about dating. Uh huh, see that one. Online dating. Yeah, that too. But bear with me. It sometimes gets interesting.

I've done this whole online dating before, with pretty much no success. (If I had succeeded, would I be doing it again?) Online dating is a little hit or miss. For me it's a little like a drunken golfer trying to hit a hole-in-one in a hurricane. Which is to say, there are more misses than hits. But hey, always the optimist: at least I get interesting stories out of it! I know there are mixed opinions about the value, safety, and loser-ishness of online dating, and maybe sometime I'll post my justification. In the meantime, I'm doing it. And since I'm not a big fan of feeling embarrassed of the things I'm doing or trying to hide them, I might as well share the hilarity with others. Or the embarrassment. Either way, stay tuned for the good, the bad, and the "only to be shared with my gay best friend and the internet."

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