Friday, November 28, 2008

Can I say in as non-sexist a way as possible that being female sometimes = being crazy?

I am having one of those weird, annoying, low self-esteem days that I think must happen to women more than to men. It's very frustrating, because I'm torn between yelling "just tell me I'm PRETTY, damn it!" and whacking my self upside the head and telling myself to get a grip. I'm more likely to go with the latter, sans the whacking, but then I am again torn: do I go with the "clearly, I AM pretty and don't need people to tell me so to feel good about myself" approach, or the "clearly, I am not that big of a deal and should just accept that I'm not that hot and be well adjusted and secure anyway" approach.

And now I'll join everyone who just read that blather and say "my GOD I want to shoot that woman for being such an insecure adolescent girl."

AUUGHHHHH. Christmas tree shopping and cookie baking are on the agenda today, and tomorrow is shopping and gay-date and general fun. The sooner I get over myself the better.

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