Friday, October 3, 2008

Keep on rollin'...

I discovered a day or two ago that I might actually... like Syracuse. Gasp! I know, I know. I didn't blog about it, but all I did all summer was bitch and moan about how freaking horrible this city is. Actually, I still think the city is ugly, and boring, and lacking in most of the things I really want from a city, including a relatively easy way to get around without a car. So, maybe it's not Syracuse in particular. Maybe it's just that I've been having a good time lately. I've made friends with some seriously awesome people, and I've been having a great time with them lately. I have some fascinating coworkers, and I spent half the morning today talking to one of them about the environment and religion and the end of the world and interesting ideas in general. It also helps that autumn has pretty much arrived, and that automatically makes me much, much happier. Even with the rain that won't leave us alone, this is a good season. I miss my sister, but I'm not overwhelmingly homesick, and I'm definitely not miserable, like I was my first month or so here. My default setting is "content," and while I strayed for a little while, I'm back.

On another note, I fail at this being an online dating blog, and for that matter I think I fail at online dating. Between being busy and actually meeting someone interesting in real life, the online thing has been on the decline since. I might pick it back up, but I'm much less enthusiastic than before. My other default setting is "single," and since I'm content again I think the single thing looks more and more appealing. I think I was trying to fix my discontent with the city and other things by fixing my relationship status, which wasn't actually the problem at all.

That being said, I have a date tomorrow. It's AA again, and I think I'm looking forward to it. I tend to get less enthusiastic about something the more it seems to be working, which is a problem I should probably work on, because if I keep flipping out when things are going well with a guy I WILL be single forever. Then again, it's a little too soon to worry: it's only the second-ish date/first formal date/fourth time we've hung out at all, so it's WAY to early to be concerned.

I just cleaned the hell out of my apartment, there is a candle on the counter, my cat is no longer sick as a dog (haha?) and I only have one class next week. I would not be surprised if an asteroid landed on my apartment building tomorrow, because way too much is going right for me right now.

I'll be back with some interesting dating emails soon, I think.

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