Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have recently become obsessed with cupcakes. I know I'm behind the trend here, but I hadn't realized the potential of cupcakes until now - there is just so much you can do with them! Interesting flavor combinations, cute decorations, fillings, mini cupcakes...excitement without end! Anyway, I'm getting into cupcakes and enjoying it a lot. Last night my boyfriend had a LAN party (see previous post) and I decided I would practice making cupcakes by making some for the party.

I've seen video game and computer game themed cupcakes before, but I wasn't sure how to make StarCraft-themed cupcakes for this party. None of the units or graphics or anything translated well into something I could decorate on a cupcake, or on any cake for that matter (though I did find an Ultralisk cake online). Then the BF suggested I use the icons from the game - the ones used to control units and do things at structures. And it worked! I also made some cupcakes with mint frosting for the fun of it, though I was disappointed with the mint frosting - it tasted like mint chewing gum. Here are some pictures:

I'm not a huge fan of fondant, so I made the decorations out of moldable white chocolate, colored yellow (melted chocolate with light corn syrup).

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