Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Real Life Romance

Something young women seem to hear a lot is that love in real life isn't like the movies. I always thought, "well, duh, and I wouldn't expect it to be." I thought I had a healthy enough dose of cynicism, or at least common sense, to not expect a romance movie style romance. Not that I watch a heck of a lot of romantic movies, but you get the drift.

And overall, I think I'm pretty good at being practical. But sometimes I slip up and get all crazy about things and it stresses me out. I watch movies and think "wait, why don't I have that? Why can't that dramatic romantic thing happen to me?"

Well, thing is, I probably do have that. I love my boyfriend very much, and from what I can tell, he feels the same way about me. At least, he tells me so, and the guy continues to put up with me, so that should say something. Real life really isn't like the movies. Those characters (probably) haven't had to deal with each other when one of them is sick, or stressed, or hogging the covers, or at the very lowest and crappiest emotional state they can be in. Which means they also probably haven't had the opportunity to see each other in bad situations and love them anyway, and show that love.

Also, "real" people don't often have moments when a dramatic declaration is necessary, and not many people are reunited with their love after breaking a curse that made them look like a pig. Um...look up the movie Penelope. And I'm lucky that my life doesn't have much along the lines of emotional returns from war or pig curses or star-crossed love. Sure, sometimes I want to be swept off my feet and kissed passionately, but only if it's by a man who will also drive back to my apartment and get my medicine when I'm sick and crying.

And I hope that poor guy doesn't mind me constantly posting personal things like this to my blog.

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