Wednesday, December 17, 2008


An explosion of Christmas cookies!!

I love Christmas cookies. I love making them, and then I love eating them, continuously, which is probably a habit I should lay off of for the sake of my waistline. But man, Christmas cookies are the best. My family has several types of cookies that are, for some reason, only "Christmas" cookies, but everyone knows the most Christmas-y of them all: cut-out sugar cookies, frosted and in my house, painted (with food coloring and egg yolks - they look a little like stained glass). I don't even like to eat them that much, but I love to make them.

So last week, I made them. And made them and made them. I made them on Wednesday when my (awesome) friend couldn't come help; I made them on Thursday with my boyfriend so he could use too many sprinkles; I made them on Friday when I decided I wanted to give them to people and didn't have enough.

And on Saturday I got the stomach flu. And I have a ton of cookies. And there is absolutely no connection - I clearly didn't get the flu from the cookies, and if they're infected so is everything else in my house, but. Oh but. I can't stand the sight of the things. My stomach still isn't happy with the idea of food, but the idea of sugary cookies, frosted with homemade frosting let me say, makes me cringe. My body oddly connects the cookies from Friday night with the misery from Saturday morning, and will not let me eat them. I also seem to have fewer people to give them to than I had thought. And so a plate of cookies is going to work with me, another bag is going to the boyfriend, and two bags are going in the freezer for my catsitter to take advantage of when she's here...her and hopefully everyone she knows, because I don't want them to be there when I get back.

Christmas cookies, anyone?

1 comment:

gwen said...

Ugh, so many tragedies surrounding these cookies... first I was thwarted from joining you by the evil dentist, and then you were thwarted from eating them by the evil stomach flu! Let's make, like, MLK Day cookies or something like that when we're both back in town. We could figure out some excuse to use my camel cookie cutter, right?