Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today is not a good day

I should post more often so these posts aren't so out of the blue. Especially this one, which is essentially a bunch of complaining.

I had to get up early this morning to go to a dentist appointment, my first dentist appointment in an embarrassingly long time. That wouldn't be too bad, if I weren't still somewhat sick with a mysterious sore throat that won't go away and probably unrelated nausea (no, I am not pregnant). So that sucks. But I'm not even the sickest one in the house - the BF has a full-on cold, and my cat has what looks, in human terms, like an epic stomach flu. I'm only partially responsible for the BF's health, and I've been appropriately sympathetic and helpful, but I am responsible for my cat...and the messes he makes. There have been many messes lately.

After the dentist appointment I called the vet and got in within the hour, around which time my head started to throb. The vet gave the poor cat some medicines and some special food and gave me instructions on how to take care of him - and to come back in 48 hours if the violently ill illness continues. I'm worried about him, because I have had terribly bad luck with cats before, and he's a pretty wonderful cat. The vet and animal techs also seemed somehow apprehensive, which makes ME really apprehensive.

After I drove home, again, I drove back to campus to go to job 1, late. Then job 2, by which point the head throb had escalated into full-on epic migraine mode. As I write I am waiting to go to class, because of course this bad day has to be on the one really long day I have in the week. After class I finally get to go home...where the contractor will be working on the cabinets. Loudly.

On top of all of that, I've been anxious about finding a job (yeah, I know, who isn't anxious about jobs now?) and what I'm going to do with myself after graduation. I've also been having a hard time staying friendly with my friends, for a bunch of reasons. I'm so tired so often and I live with the BF away from everyone, but I feel like I am excluding myself or something. I know awesome people around here and I want to do awesome things with them! Though I also want to sleep. And get a job.

1 comment:

gwen said...

Boo. Do not like. But, for the record, you aren't having trouble staying friendly with this friend... and I will be around after graduation! I foresee more Ithaca trips in your future. :)