Wednesday, July 29, 2009


One of the low points of ALA that I didn't mention in the post below happened Sunday evening. My father called me to tell me my grandmother, his mother, had passed away. It wasn't a surprise, since she had been very sick for over a year and had been in hospice for a few weeks, but it was still upsetting. She was a wonderful, brilliant woman, and I didn't realize how much I appreciated and admired her until she was gone. I often hope I will be like her when I'm older.

As my mom pointed out, not only have we lost an amazing woman, it's also the end of an era. She was definitely the catalyst and focus of the family on my dad's side. Christmas will be especially hard - I'm sure we'll all get together like we always do, but it will still be because of her. Just this time, it will be because she's gone, not because she's there.

I've found myself trying to not think about her, and maybe not about death in general. I'm not sure what's making me so uncomfortable, but it's been more difficult than I thought it would be, considering that we all expected it. I suppose I might just be mourning.

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